Blog Seputar Bahasa Inggris

Name   : Aulio Aditya Rai P
NPM    : 11217066
Class    : 1EA10          

In English, there are a number of interesting topics to study. One of them is Quantifiers

As their name points out, are used to indicate quantities. The most common way to express them is using numbers, but when are difficult to calculate you can use words to express quantities, amounts and degree of something. Those words are named quantifiers.

quantifier is a word that indicates a number (countable nouns) or an amount (uncountable nouns) for an example are  many, much, some, any, a lot of, a few and a little.

The differences between some and any, and also, muchmanya lot of , and a few often cause difficulties for learners. These are examples of quantifiers. Although the rules are not complicated, there are a number of exceptions that can cause confusion.

In this article, we will look at the rules for these and see examples to illustrate the differences and potential errors in use. This article looks at the basic usage of these words and so learners should appreciate that there are other ways that they are also used. For a more complete explanation, you should look up quantifiers. It is important to keep in mind the difference countable/uncountable to use some quantifiers correctly. For an example, you need to make the difference to use: a/an,much/many, a little/a few. But for other quantifiers, you can use them for both: a lot of, some, any.

1.      Some , Any , Many , Much , A Lot Of , and A Few
·         Some
Digunakan untuk kalimat Positif/Affirmative/Pernyataan, Penawaran, permintaan, dan pertanyaan jika kamu berharap pertanyaannya dijawab “Yes/ya”.
Example :
o   I have some libraries to be visited next week.
o   He borrowed some novels at gramedia.

·         Any
Digunakan untuk kalimat negatif atau pertanyaan.

o   Have you got any apple? No, we haven’t got any.
o   But we’ve got some grape.Do you have any idea to solve this problem?

·         Much
Much digunakan untuk benda-benda yang tak dapat dihitung, dan untuk menghitungnya diperlukan suatu takaran/timbangan dan ukuran tertentu. Patokan suatu benda tidak dapat dihitung adalah jika untuk menghitungnya harus menggunakan alat bantu. Seperti liter, rupiah, kilogram dsb.

o   You took too much sugar in your coffee, it’s not good for your health.
o   We need much sand to build a big building.

·         Many
Many digunakan untuk benda-benda yang bias dihitung (countable noun).

o   How many beef you take from refrigerator?
o   Many people ask me if I have a job or not.

·         A lot of
A lot of bias digunakan baik untuk benda yang bias dihitung maupun yang tidak bias dihitung. Artinya bias digunakan untuk mengganti posisi Many.
Yang membedakan dengan Many dan Much adalah bahwa kebiasaan penggunaannya. A lot of hanya biasa digunakan dalam kalimat positif.

o   I have a lot of friends who always stand by me.
o   How much money do you have? I have a lot of money.

·         A Few
A Few atau little artinya sedikit. A Few untuk kata benda yang dapat dihitung.

o   I have got a few friends in a day.
o   I have saved little money in this month.
