Blog Seputar Bahasa Inggris
Name : Aulio Aditya Rai P NPM : 11217066 Class : 1EA10 Abstrack In English, there are a number of interesting topics to study. One of them is Quantifiers . As their name points out, are used to indicate quantities. The most common way to express them is using numbers, but when are difficult to calculate you can use words to express quantities, amounts and degree of something. Those words are named quantifiers. A quantifier is a word that indicates a number ( countable nouns ) or an amount ( uncountable nouns ) for an example are many, much, some, any, a lot of, a few and a little . The differences between some and any , and also, much , many , a lot of , and a few often cause difficulties for learners. These are examples of quantifiers. Although the ...